CompanyName | | Tulsa |
Locality | | Tulsa Metropolitan Area |
LastUpdateDate | | 2020-02-07 23:53:56 |
Industry | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering |
SocialLink | | https://www.linkedin.com/company/3330775 |
Locality | | Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States |
State | | Oklahoma |
City | | Tulsa |
Street | | 7033 E. 40th Street #1 |
Postal | | 74145 |
Founded | | 1951 |
StartDate | | 2016-06-01 |
Size | | 1-10 |
Industry | | Oil & Energy |
CompanyType | | Privately Held |
All Emails | | Email Name Position kent@vanco-inc.com OWNER pspencer@vanco-inc.com ppuleo@vanco-inc.com PeterPuleo Inside Sales Applications Engineer MFarney@vanco-inc.com MikeFarney Outside Sales Engineer jenna.braudrick@vanco-inc.com JennaBraudrick Customer Service |
Secondary activities
Building machinery and equipment NES
Other classifications(for some countries)
SIC (US 1987) :
Construction Machinery and Equipment (3531)
NAICS (US 2012) :
Construction Machinery Manufacturing (333120)